is a starting point for HWS students to gather information about alcohol
and other drug issues. Information can be collected for papers, poster
projects, presentations, and for any other reason. The data is all here
at your fingertips.
and William Smith Library Holdings- Here you can find books, journals,
and video resources. A wealth of information is contained within our own
library's walls. Here is a good place to start your research.
InquirerThis page serves
as the communication outlet for course-work relating to alcohol for the
rest of the Hobart and William Smith community and beyond. Results from
surveys, slide shows from faculty lectures, special interest stories and
student video clips are reported here. Please be advised that the videos
require the appropriate add-in for your browser and may take considerable
time to download if you are off campus.
- 2007 Version 2: DigitalWebBooks
format reader required to view this new 2007 multimedia extravaganza
Click the button to install the reader. This only needs to be done
once on your computer. 
- 2000 Version
1: Web-based news reports from students and faculty on alcohol
Wide Web Links- This is a great collection of resources. The internet
can be jumbled and difficult to find what you need at times, so we've
done it for you! The page contains research literature and searchable
databases, links to other higher education institutions' alcohol and other
drug resources, and other miscellaneous sites containing alcohol and other
drug information.
and Other Drug Project Presentations- The HWS AOD Project Co-Directors,
Dr. H. Wesley Perkins and Dr. David W. Craig, have presented countless
slideshows, workshops, and lectures on the subject of alcohol and other
drug use and abuse. In these presentations, they reveal survey study data,
information on the social norms approach, pharmacological effects of alcohol,
as well as many other subjects.
and Other Drug Project Poster Campaigns- The HWS AOD Project has initiated
major poster campaigns on campus. You might have seen these displays posted
around campus. They convey social norms messages about HWS students' attitudes
and behavior involving alcohol and other drugs. These posters are a great
source for quick facts for research projects or papers and can be found
Interdisciplinary Course: (BIDS 295) Alcohol Use and Abuse; Causes and
Consequences- A valuable resource, this course examines the causes
and consequences of alcohol use from the viewpoint that alcohol is a very
potent drug both in terms of its chemical and social construction. This
course brings together natural science and social science contributions
to the interdisciplinary study of this phenomenon by incorporating a variety
of academic perspectives including biology, chemistry, social psychology,
epidemiology, and sociology and by making extensive use of multimedia
resources. Links to class lectures and the course home page can be found
Calculation/Estimation Guide and Resources- This link contains a guide
and a brief overview of how to estimate or calculate the blood alcohol
content (BAC) of an individual at a given time. Links to sites that have
explanations of the origins of the BAC estimator formulas and even a site
that contains a "quick calculator" is contained on this page.