Workshop Presentation 2001 Summer/Fall Faculty Panel Development Workshop

This two-day workshop sponsored with funding from the U.S. Department of Education was designed to provide some time and resources for faculty from a variety of disciplines to get together to discuss ways in which they might develop two evening faculty panel events that integrate alcohol and other drug content with films, readings, and discussions from classes during the term. These events are intended to enhance curricular discussion of topics related to alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs. In addition to familiarizing each other with our various interdisciplinary interests in this topic and discussing how material is or might be integrated in our courses, a key objective of this workshop is to plan a film screening and fall evening panel program around some issue of alcohol, tobacco, and/or other drugs that can be linked to some of our courses.

Workshop Participants

Workshop Schedule

Wednesday, August 22, 2001
Welcome from Conveners, David Craig and Wes Perkins
Participants share interests and perspectives on alcohol and other drug issues as related to courses and research interests
Conveners share local print, video, and web resources on ATOD topics.
Discussions finding common ground among perspectives, e.g., gender or legal issues, that might be used to select and organize a program event
Working lunch to determine the structure and timing of the fall film(s) and panel program.
Wednesday, September 19, 2001
Welcome from Conveners, David Craig and Wes Perkins
Participants of "Thinking About Drinking" panel discuss content and organization of eachother's contributions, presentation timing, and moderator role
Participants of "Caught in Traffic" panel discuss content and organization of each other's contributions, presentation timing, and moderator role


Events Schedule for Fall, 2001

Evening Film -- 28 Days
Evening Faculty Panel -- "Thinking about Drinking"
Evening Film -- Traffic
Evening Faculty Panel -- "Caught in Traffic: Criminalization/Decriminalization debate"

This workshop is provided through the generous support of the U.S. Dept. of Education, and Hobart & William Smith Colleges.

page last modified: 12/20/2001